हार्दिक श्रध्दाञ्जलि !
धरान समाज यु. के. का पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री सूर्यमान गुरुङज्यु को ममतामयी आमा उमादेवी गुरूङ को यही मिति २०७७ साल माघ ३ गते भएको दुःखद् निधनले धरान समाज यु. के. अत्यन्तै मर्माहित भएका छौं।
धरान समाज यु. के. का पूर्व अध्यक्ष श्री सूर्यमान गुरुङज्यु को ममतामयी आमा उमादेवी गुरूङ को यही मिति २०७७ साल माघ ३ गते भएको दुःखद् निधनले धरान समाज यु. के. अत्यन्तै मर्माहित भएका छौं।
on behalf of Dharan Samaj UK, may I take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy & Prosperous New Year 2021. Undoubtedly, year 2020 had been a very difficult & challenging year for all of us amid the Covid-19 pandemic and am glad that we all pulled through Read more…
धरान समाज युकेको ‘बार्षिक साधारण सभा, महाअधिबेशन अनि नयाँ कार्यसमिति (छेठौ) गठन । धरान समाज युकेले हिजो शनिबार १४ मार्च २०२० को दिन साउथ ह्यारो लण्डन अवस्थित ‘राफा विण्ड्सक’ क्लब’ मा बार्षिक साधारण सभा, महाअधिबेशन अनि नयाँ कार्यसमिति (छैठौ) गठन सफलतापुर्बक सम्पन्न गरेको छ । अपरान्हको करिब ३ बजे देखि Read more…
Dharan Samaj UK has been struck by yet another depressing news. The demise of the daughter of Vic president Nikesh Limbu (Nirbha) has stricken hard on the hart of DSUKs’ member.DSUK stand’s united and shows full support to encourage Nikesh and the remaining grieving family.May god spare mercy on her Read more…
Hirasad Bhawan appreciation letter.
Dear all, I and all committee members would like to thank all organisations, community, football fans and those who participated for Budha Subba Gold Cup on 07 September 2019, Saturday. There is no doubt that without your help, support and commitment, the day would not have been successful.Budha Subba Gold Read more…