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Dharane Bhela 2022

Date: June 4, 2022
Dharane bhela- 2022
Dharane bhela- 2022

DSUK AGM & 6th Convention on 12 March 2022

Date: March 12, 2022
Location: Buckhurst Park Community Centre, Burghley Close, Swindon, SN3 3BS
DSUK AGM & 6th Convention

Dear DSUK Members, Friends, and Families

Ref: Kind Invitation to the DSUK AGM & 6th Convention on 12 March 2022, Saturday, 11:30 am at Buckhurst Park Community Centre, Burghley Close, Swindon, SN3 3BS.

On behalf of the DSUK President, Kiran Subba and the 5th Executive Committee may I humbly invite you all to the DSUK Annual General Meeting (AGM) and 6th Convention which will be held on 12 March 2022, Saturday, 11:30 am at Buckhurst Park Community Centre, Burghley Close, Walcot, Swindon, SN3 3BS.

On 19 Feb 2022, the meeting requested the following personnel to take the responsibility of Election Committee and which they have kindly agreed:

            a         Former DSUK President Rajen Limbu – Coordinator

            b         Former DSUK President Raju Limbu – Member

            c          Former DSUK President Suryamaan Gurung – Member

Also, on 19 Feb 2022, the meeting has requested, DSUK Senior Vice President, Ramesh Limbu to coordinate the venue and food and Vice President, Nikesh Limbu to coordinate refreshment and drinks.

President, General Secretary and Vice Treasurer, Lata Limbu reported the DSUK Financial balance approximately £8710.37 and purposed the date of DHARANA BHELA for this year on 18 June 2022, which will be presented in the upcoming AGM.

Finally, we hope that you all will heartily accept our invitation to the DSUK AGM and 6th Convention and we are very much looking forward to seeing you all on 12 March 2022 at Swindon.

Kind regards

Maha Rai

General Secretary.

Dharane Bhela 2020 has been cancelled due to COVID-19 pandemic!

Date: June 13, 2020
Time: 12:00 Hrs
Location: Sprindwest Academy, Brawells Lane, Feltham


Date: 08 June 2020

Dear all the DSUK members

Ref: Dharan Bhela 13 June 2020

I hope all are in good health.

On behalf of the DSUK President Kiran Subba and the Executive Committee Body, may I kindly inform to all our DSUK members and “Dharanay” living in the UK that the Dharan Bhela of 2020 will be cancelled due to Coronavirus Pandemic which we all are aware of it.

We would like to apologise that the newly form DSUK Executive Committee Body (14 March 2020) had a minimum communication between ourselves and to the members due to this unprecedent situation we are facing due to COVID-19 disease and the UK being one of the most affected in the world.

Due to this all our members have been concentrating locally (place where we live) to be safe from this COVID-19, even though all our members are sparsely located around the UK. This situation has definitely given us difficulties in communication and planning of DSUK events and programs for this year 2020.

Once more, on behalf of the Executive Committee Body and the President our deepest thoughts and prayers are with the members and their families who have suffered and is suffering because of COVID 19 diseases.

Please forgive us that if as a community we may not have managed to reach you during this challenging period due to COVID-19 diseases. This is due to the nature of our DSUK community as it is difficult to be viable locally.

There is a saying, ‘it’s never too late to start’ so if any of the DSUK members or “Dharanay” living in the UK would like any assistance during this Pandemic, please do not hesitate to contact us on the following number and we will try our best to assist as a community:

President: Kiran Subba – 07401 772266

S. Vice President: Ramesh Limbu – 07578 686183

Vice Gen Secretary:Jiwan Rana Magar – 07411 415604

As, this Pandemic settles down and the UK governments produces further plans and actions, we will definitely discuss with you all on the plans of the DSUK future program accordingly.

Please stay safe and healthy and kindly follow the governments guidelines during this difficult time.

Thank you all for considering this message.

Kind regards
Maha Rai
07733 455320
General Secretary, DSUK.

Annual General Assembly on 14 March 2020

Date: March 14, 2020
Time: 13:00
Location: Windsock Club, Eastcote Ave, South Harrow, HA2 8AL
Annual General Assembly
Annual General Assembly

Dear all

Mr President of DSUK has instructed me to circulate this mail to inform you all that this year’s Annual General Assembly will take place on 14 Mar 2020 at RAF Windsock Club South Harrow HA2 8AL.

On this assembly, departing committee member will be issuing annual reports and budget update follows the dissolvement of present committee and pursue the election of brand new committee member of DSUK.

Please make the necessary arrangements to attend witness the assembly.  

Mr president has selected the following distinguished individuals to be a part of the electoral committee for the forthcoming Annual General Assembly (AGA).
    1.    Mr Padam Rai MBE.    2.    Mr Rajen Limbu.    3.    Mr Raju Limbu.
We have no hesitation that all DSUK members would agree with the decisions made or please let know otherwise.
The AGA will take place on 14 Mar 2020 at
Windsock Club, Eastcote Ave, South Harrow, HA2 8AL

Starting at 1300hrs.

Khadkahang Limbu. Gen Sec DSUK

Buddha Subba Gold Cup 2019

Date: September 7, 2019
budha subba gold cup 2019

Charity noon in aid of Hirasat Bhawan on 10 Aug 2019.

Start date: June 25, 2019
End date: August 10, 2019
dsuk charity noon

Dear all

Please be informed that DSUK will be hosting a charity noon in aid of Hirasat Bhawan on 10 Aug 2019.

This will take place at Swindon.

Buckhurst Park Community Centre
Burghley Close

Please make your selves available and bring along your friend and family.
Time 1400hrs on wards.

Khadkahang Limbu

Post Dharane Bhela Meeting on Sunday, 21 July 2019.

Start date: June 25, 2019
End date: July 21, 2019
dharane bhela post party meeting (2)

Post Dharane Bhela Meeting
on Sunday, 21 July 2019.

Dharane Bhela 2019

Date: June 15, 2019
Time: 12:00 - 22:00 Hrs
Location: Sprindwest Academy, Brawells Lane, Feltham

Dharan Samaj UK – AGM

Date: March 16, 2019
Time: 13:00
Location: RAF Windsock club Eascote Avenue South Harrow HA2 8AL

DSUK X-mas and New year celebration.

Date: December 29, 2018
Time: 20:00-23:30
DSUK x-mas party